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Blog: Happy World Introvert's Day

By January 01, 2023 , , , ,

One of my dreaded questions during a job interview is being asked to describe myself. Well for one I am not comfortable talking about myself in front of others, second is I don't know where or how to start talking about myself and lastly I am hesitant to tell them that I am an introvert.

I've realized that I am introvert when I was in high school whenever we have a class reporting I'd always feel conscious and nervous talking in front of my classmates. I was scared of being criticized about my looks and skeptical of what they think about me. Although I only have a few close friends back then I was still grateful, because I would feel confident when I'm around them. As days and years go by I was able to know myself more and discover my weakness and strength and realized that being an introvert isn't a bad thing.

Among the 4 types of introverts I identify myself as a social introvert I may be shy and timid but that's not always the case. Yes I feel comfortable staying at home, but I would also go out with my few best buddies.


*Signs That You're an Introvert* 

  • You enjoy spending time alone 

     - Staying at home alone on a Saturday night watching Netflix, playing phone games, reading, writing or just putzing around the house makes me feel good. 

  • You do best when you're thinking alone

    - I easily get distracted when I'm in a middle of the crowd. When I am alone I can concentrate on what I want.

  • You have no desire to be the center of attention

    - I avoid doing things that would catch people's attention I prefer everything to be private even if the attention is positive.

  • You prefer writing than speaking

    - I am more likely able to express my thoughts and feelings when I writing rather than speaking. It gives me more time and space to clarify my ideas before putting them into words.

  • You are not a fan of parties

    - As much as possible I try to avoid reunions or parties I feel like it's draining my energy. However, in a party I would just end up spending time with people I know and feel comfortable around.

  • You have a small circle of friends

    - I am not an open book type I prefer quality of friendship over quantity. I choose who to hang out with though few, but are very close friends. I like close-knit friends whom I can share meaningful and deep conversations I value long-term friendship.

  • You take time making decisions

    - I don't make decisions on a whim. I like to plan and know every detail before I can finally decide so that everything runs smoothly. I think things through by weighing the pros and cons before making important choices.

  • You are often thought of being snobbish

    - I don't easily get comfortable with people I just met or rather I don't trust easily. Some people would mistakenly think that I am arrogant or snobbish just because I don't smile or talk to them a lot, but I mean no harm it's just a way for me to observe a person's behavior. I like to know someone by studying their actions rather than interacting directly with them.

  • You think before you speak

    - When people ask questions or say something to me I would only respond with a smile and that would give people the impression that I am very shy, but that's not always true. I like to talk to my head first and I choose my words wisely.

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